Why My Backyard Fence?

When I was a child in southern California, neighbors would visit with one another over their backyard fences. There would be a fence on either side and one in the back. These fences were not barriers to keep others out, but rather a means to define one's property. Sharing with a neighbor a smile or perhaps a story, or even a piece of pie was not uncommon. I love people and hope to bring joy and encouragement to my Friends and Neighbors over "MyBackyardFence." I now live in the vast Oregon Outback. A beautiful gift from my Heavenly Father!

Thursday, October 21, 2021

The Little Pine Tree


 The following is a children's story. However, it has a message that touches all ages. This is the first of such I have written. I hope you enjoy and will feel free to share it with others as well as your children and grandchildren.  Romans 8:18-30 is a good reference for the content. (See note at bottom regarding comments.)                   

THE LITTLE PINE TREE                                                        

The Little Pine Tree asked the Creator, “Why are my needles so tender and green and my parents and grandparents so dry and brittle?” “Will mine stay green forever, I feel so fresh and new?” Creator told the little Pine Tree to enjoy his freshness while he can but someday he will become as the old ones. This made Little Pine Tree sad. He asked Creator, “Why do we become old with brown and brittle limbs?” “Why can’t we grow big and stay as fresh as I?” “I don’t like this getting old!” “I don’t like it at all!” “I don’t like it either,” said Creator. “And it was not the way I ever wanted it to be.” “However, my children, whom I created, that are in My image did what I told them not to do.” “What they did is called ‘sin’.” “They disobeyed me and instead did what they wanted to do. They thought it would make them happy.” “What you see in your parents and grandparents is called ‘death’. It happens because of what my children did.”

 The Little Pine Tree did not like this. He did not think it was fair that Creator’s children would make him become dry, brown and brittle and lose his tender, green needles. He became angry and felt sadder and sadder. Then Creator told the Little Pine Tree that he had done something that would fix everything. My son, Jesus would give his life for my children, the ones created in My image. He would actually die on something called a cross that would be made out of one like your parents and grandparents. Then, he would be buried in the ground where your kind have their roots. After three days, he would become alive again. That was Creator’s plan.

 When Jesus finished all that, it was made possible for my children, who are created in My image, to live forever with me. For you, Little Pine Tree, I have a brand-new place like this one, but everything is young. You and your kind will be able to keep their fresh, green, tender needles and grow tall the same way. It is a new earth. In fact, I am making a new earth and a new heaven. There will not be any sin there at all. Because of that there will be no death either. There won’t even be any of the sadness and anger you feel right now.

 The Little Pine Tree could hardly speak. He felt so good by the words Creator spoke. He said, “Why would you do that?” Creator told him that in the beginning when he did his creating, he had said that everything was good, and he meant it. He liked what he had created. Most of all he loved his children, who were created in His image, and did not want them to keep on dying. He wanted them to be with him forever.  The Little Pine Tree said, “Why did you make me?” Creator told him he was created to bring good things to his children, who were created in His image . Creator told Little Pine Tree that he and his kind were very important. They were beautiful to look at and some were quite magnificent. Little Pine Tree wasn’t sure what that big word meant. Creator said, “Some of your kind are made into places for my children, who were created in My image, to worship me and into places for them to live. You have a very important purpose.”

 Creator told Little Pine Tree, “I have put a feeling into you that makes you want to be free from sin and death and as soon as I send Jesus back to the earth for the last time to get my children, who were created in My image, your kind will not have to get old, dry and brittle anymore.” “So, perk up Little Pine. Lift your branches toward the sky. Even your breath praises me. ‘The trees of the field shall clap their hands’. My Book, the Bible talks a lot about trees and how strong and important they are.”

 The Little Pine Tree felt a bit overwhelmed by all this, but, after all, he did ask. After he and Creator talked, he was much happier and decided to enjoy his tender, fresh, young, branches and stretched them as far as he could toward the sky and dreamed about a place where he might live forever young.

 The End

Note: I have had several readers say they are unable to post comments. This might help: At the bottom of my posts, you can select "comments" or "no comments". You should see an option to the side of that as to how to comment. You may see "google account" first. If you select the down arrow and go to anonymous, you can use that option to comment. Feel free to add your name with the comment. 


Thursday, October 7, 2021


The title of this writing is taken from a beautiful Hymn written in 1758 entitled, "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing." As I was contemplating the words, that particular line stuck in my spirit... "tune my heart to sing thy grace". 

One of the worst sounds to a musician is an untuned instrument. It almost makes your whole body cringe with repulsion. Time must be taken to perfectly tune an instrument. An ear of a person in training can actually be harmed attempting to sing along with an untuned instrument.

So, as I was thinking on these words, I asked the question, "Lord, Fount of every blessing, how do I tune my heart to sing your grace?" The first thing that came to my mind was a Proverb I had read earlier in the week and was committing to memory. It is Proverbs 1:23: "If you turn at my reproof, behold, I will pour out my spirit to you; I will make my words known to you." The very first thing you do is repent. You turn away from sin and turn to the Lord. That is the first step in understanding His amazing Grace. It is only by Grace through Faith that you can be saved. Then when the Fount pours out his blessings, there is nothing to block the flow and he can make his words and his ways known to you. 

With any instrument, there is not just one tuning. The same goes for our hearts. I John 1:9 is one of the most comforting scriptures in the Bible. "If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." You don't just come once for that tuning. As, we walk through this life, we will sin and miss the mark periodically or there wouldn't be so much written about discipline and correction. We have to keep that flow from the Fountain clear of debris. When the Holy Spirit points our attention to something that is blocking that life giving water from reaching our hearts, we need to instantly turn and give that blockage to him. His heart's desire is to touch our hearts fully so that we can and will "sing his grace". We don't have to wait and allow the dam to build up, we can remove the obstruction in an instant by just speaking his name, Jesus, and believing with all our heart that what he says, he will do.

Ephesians 5:18 tells us to "be filled with the Spirit". Another way of translating that is, "be being filled with the Spirit". We come continually to the Fountain to be filled to overflowing. We come continually to have our hearts tuned, aligned with the heart of the Father. When you listen to finely tuned instruments being played in the Spirit, tears are brought to your eyes periodically as the harmonies touch your heart strings. It is unexplainable. There is a purity in the interpretation. This is what we should seek in inviting our Creator and Master Musician to "tune our hearts".

As we all, His blood bought, born again children allow ourselves to be tuned perfectly to His heart, the most incredible song of His Grace will be heard in unity through us to the World. That is my prayer, that of Ephesians 4:13: "...until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ." A little further in this chapter, we read of the whole Body growing up into the Head, which is Christ and working together and building itself up in Love.

This World in which we live is sick and dying. We are here to point the way to that Fount of Every Blessing, Jesus Christ. The more we allow him to tune our hearts to his own and become one Heaven sent, Spirit created Song of Grace, the lost and dying can experience that tugging of their heart strings to repent and turn to His Glorious Majesty through Jesus Christ our Lord. Will you allow yourself to be tuned along with me today?

Let us together sing this wonderful "song of Grace": "But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ--by grace you have been saved--and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works so that no one may boast." Ephesians 2:4-9 ESV.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021


 I love it when the Lord gives me a sermon illustration through a simple life circumstance. I like to wash my hair in the kitchen sink because I like to use the sprayer for rinsing. Some people aren't too fond of that idea but my mother used to wash my hair in this fashion although we didn't have a spray faucet back then. Well, a couple of days after washing,  I was searching high and low for my shampoo. It is called "Silver" and works great on my silver hair to make it shiny. I looked and looked. I have recently been using JOY dishwashing soap. Hadn't used it for years! Well, while searching for the shampoo... I really am going somewhere with this... I happened to look around the side of the bottle of Joy, and lo and behold! There was the bottle of Silver right behind it. I had to go through the Joy to get to the Silver. The Holy Spirit began to speak to my heart of Psalm 16:11 which includes, "In His Presence is Fullness of Joy and at His Right Hand, Pleasures forevermore." 

Every good thing flows to and from relationship. The way we relate to God the Father, God the Son, God the Spirit is to be IN His Presence. In that Presence is Fellowship, Communion and Intimacy. Through Jesus's death on the Cross, the way was opened for us to enter into that amazingly wonderful Presence. What we need for sustenance in life can be obtained within that Presence, even praying "Give us this day our daily bread". When we pray, we are entering into His Presence. When we worship, we are entering into His Presence. When we are in true fellowship with one another, we are in His Presence. "God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.", John 4:24. We read Paul's words in 2 Corinthians 13:14 and he speaks of the "Fellowship of the Holy Spirit."

So, following these thoughts that came to me in my kitchen, "you have to go through the Joy to get to the Silver", I will refer to the Silver as the Blessings of the Lord. "The Blessing of the Lord makes one rich and he adds no sorrow with it.", Proverbs 10:22. In the midst of life's most difficult trials, and they will come, if we will learn to "practice His Presence", in other words, spend time with him in worship, prayer, the Word, meditating on Him day and night, we will experience all the unexplainable inner strength, endurance, wisdom, knowledge, perseverance, love, etc., that we would ever need to pass victoriously through this life into the next.

If we stop before the joy, and allow our focus to be on ourselves and our circumstances; if we become self-absorbed or even slip into the quicksand of self-pity, we will never make it through the joy to the silver. 

This is a time to find those who are stuck outside the glory of His Presence. It is time to take their hand and lead them into the miraculous realm of the Spirit. There is forgiveness, healing, deliverance, peace unmeasurable, hope unwavering. Those who have known and have forgotten need a hand to get back up and get going on the path to life. Those who have never known, need a hand to lead them out of darkness and into His marvelous light. 

Maybe you are reading this and wondering what in the world I am talking about... just in case there is that one... God sent His Son, Jesus to this earth to sacrifice His life so that you could have the right to come into the very Presence of God now and for Eternity in Heaven. Pick up a Bible and read the Book of John. You will learn all about it.

Back to you Saints who hold this Treasure... don't hold it, but share it. As you spend time in the Fullness of Joy you become equipped to take hold of the Silver, or the valuable things that pertain to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3) and lavish them on others as you have had them lavished upon you!

In these very earthen vessels are contained all that every Soul is longing for, as mankind was designed to be His Dwelling Place.

God Bless you all as you walk with me "through the Joy to the Silver" and Beyond!

Saturday, August 7, 2021


 If you have read much of my writing, you will have recognized that one of my favorite Bible verses is Philippians 4:13: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.". You may wonder what this has to do with the title of this post. I will get to that.

A lot of us quote that verse when we are facing a difficult situation, a challenge of some sort. However, do we really understand the impact of that statement? The Apostle Paul knew he was insufficient in his own strength to accomplish that to which he was called. Even Jesus knew he was unable to fulfill his purpose without the Father's enablement. If Jesus knew in the flesh that he needed the Spirit of God, how much more, in our humanity, should we recognize that fact. We need to speak those words understanding the facts behind them.

Now for the number "seven" as I will relate it to Philippians 4:13. Christ, as we know, was in the beginning. Father, Son and Holy Spirit consulted in creation. "Let us make man in OUR own image." Jesus told his disciples, "When you see me, you have seen the Father." They were and are one. So, together, in the strength of the Three in One, the earth and all we see was created. Seven days, with the seventh being the day of rest. 

I have always thought of seven as God's favorite number. It is the number of perfection or completeness. Seven days for creation and it was called good. Seven colors in the rainbow to represent perfect hope. I could go on and speak of the seven churches; the seven spirits; the seven lampstands; the seven seals and so many more. However, I want to speak of seven mountains.

Psalm 125:2, "As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people, from this time forth and forevermore." There are seven mountains that surround Jerusalem. This is not an accident or coincidental. This is God's creation. Jerusalem is in the midst of these mountains. I won't go into detail concerning them all at this time, but it is a great study.

These seven mountains represent complete and perfect protection for the people of God. This protection surrounds us on every side. This protection enables us to do what we otherwise could not. Without these mountains of strength and protection we would be vulnerable to every attack of the enemy. We are spiritual people, existing in a spiritual kingdom, an eternal kingdom. To endure until the end in the Faith, we have to walk and live in the Spirit and understand the impact of truths such as the one we are addressing here, that we CAN do all things through our Mighty Creator!

Nothing can separate us from God's love. We believe that. The times we lose sight, things become a blur, are when the hardships and trials of this life hit us. Whether famine, sickness, loss of possessions, loss of loved ones and at this point in time, a seeming loss of all the foundational principles we stand upon in this life, we CAN take hold of and walk in the supernatural ability given to us by the perfect Creator and Savior. The Savior who endured the most horrendous suffering imaginable to bring us all to glory, Hebrews 2:10.

So, the next time you face what seems to be unattainable in your walk with the Lord and you whisper to yourself, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me", imagine those seven mighty mountains surrounding Jerusalem that represent the perfect and complete covering of your Savior. He goes before you. He walks beside you. He is your rear guard. He is your Shield and your Buckler (a large shield that goes around the whole body,  Psalm 35:2)

These are things of the Spirit and are spiritually discerned. The Kingdom of God is a Spiritual Kingdom. The Bible tells us to "be filled with the Spirit", to "be led by the Spirit". That our Bodies are "temples of the Holy Spirit" and to allow Him to fill these temples and re-create us in His Image as sin entered in to attempt to destroy his original plan. It failed because Christ destroyed it's power.  However, we must walk in the Spirit to not fulfill the lust of the flesh or be constantly focused on the flesh.

One of those seven mountains is Mount Zion. Verse 1 of Psalm 125 tells us that "Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion which cannot be moved, but abides forever." That speaks of endurance. Verse 3, "For the scepter of wickedness shall not rest on the land allotted to the righteous, lest the righteous stretch out their hands to do wrong." That speaks of promise!

So, speak with me, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" with new understanding and confidence in the one of whom you are speaking. Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God; God Himself and the Spirit of Both of them who longs to dwell within us in His Fullness. Be filled to overflowing today and always. When you are filled with the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead, there is room only for His power and our weakness is exchanged for His Strength. 

Dwell with me amidst those Mighty Mountains! Blessing to you All!

Thursday, July 1, 2021


For some time now, actually since the beginning of the recent "pandemic", the phrase, "Let my people go" has been coming to my mind periodically. I believe, now that our American Independence Day Celebration is at hand, the Lord is bringing some clarification. 

Studying the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt in the Book of Exodus, there were several points that grabbed the attention of my spirit. Without writing a book at this point, I will try to bring the focus down to what I believe the Lord would have me convey to you.

First of all, with this "pandemic" has come what some of us would describe as an infringement on our freedoms. To say the least, we have not felt like the free Americans we are supposed to be. We looked for deliverance to arise from any quarter. When it did not, many gave in and settled for the new rules set before them. Others did not. Now, for some, there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel. I know in my state most of the mandates have been lifted and at the moment, things feel a bit more like the old days. I know I am enjoying being able to view the smiling faces of those I have missed. 

The situation surrounding the "virus" is only a small part of what many are wanting deliverance from. When people begin to see that right and wrong have switched places and justice seems to be on the sideline, discouragement can begin to set in. A feeling of hopelessness and helplessness can become all consuming. That is what happened to the Israelites in captivity.

Many of us, as Christians felt the Lord speaking to us of deliverance; that he was making a way out. When it did not happen the way we thought through prayer, prophecies, the election, the medical field, etc. some became disheartened. We did not believe the word of the Lord. The Lord always delivers his people. Even if we die, our hope in Christ for Eternity brings us deliverance. "To live is Christ, to die is gain." Yes, it is a win, win situation no matter what. 

In Exodus Chapter 5 and 6, we read about some of the interaction between God and Moses. Moses asked the Lord why he had done evil against the people (he presumed such). He told God that Pharaoh had done evil against the people and that He (God) had not delivered them. Have we had those thoughts toward God regarding the current state of our country, the world, or even our own family members? How about our own personal burdens we deal with on a daily basis. Have we become discouraged and even broken because we feel we have not and will not be delivered? Exodus 6:9 tells us that Moses actually spoke to the people the promise of the Lord to deliver and  to bless them "but they did not listen to Moses, because of their broken spirit and harsh slavery." However, when God says he is going to do something, he is going to do it!

When God makes a promise, he keeps it. It doesn't depend on our faith or lack of it. It doesn't depend upon our own ability or righteousness as Moses thought when he told God he couldn't do the job because he wasn't good enough. God's word does not depend on what we think or what the enemy thinks or what any circumstances seem to dictate. God is God! He is the I AM! He is on the Throne of all Creation! He had and has a plan for ALL who come to Him and actually all who do not. 

The Israelites were IN Egypt during all the plagues. Think about it. By the time God got through with the Egyptians, Pharaoh pretty much told the people of God to get out! Not only did he do that, he asked God to bless HIM as well. See Chapter 12, verse 32. The Israelites saw the power of God to save and deliver and keep his promises. The Egyptians saw that they were dealing with MIGHT and STRENGTH and POWER and TRUTH they had never encountered before. Their own magicians and priests could not rival such an AWESOME GOD!

What promises has God given to America? What promises has he given to His People? Not only Israel, but to His whole Body... the Body of Christ which is the Church of the Living God? What does he require? What did he require of Moses and Aaron the leaders of the Exodus? 

God gives a charge to Moses and Aaron, which we read in verse 26, "Bring out the people of Israel from the land of Egypt..." What charge has he given us? On what does the outcome depend? 

The charge is: "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land", 2 Chronicles 7:14. It is called OBEDIENCE to BELIEVE and let GOD do the rest. Jesus told the crowds, John 6:29, "This is the work of God, that you BELIEVE in him whom he has sent."

You can say, "I have done all that and I don't see any results". How many plagues happened before the Israelites were delivered from Egypt? Even while in Egypt were not the people delivered even from death by the blood on the doorposts. We celebrate it as the Passover because the death angel passed over the homes that had the Blood! 

We are in this world and it is yet to be seen what is to come before the END. However, we can be sure that our God WILL deliver. He WILL keep his promises. He WILL be faithful to His own Word. 

While we wait in anticipation for His eternal plan to unfold let us follow Jude and build ourselves up in the Faith... pray in the Spirit... keep ourselves in the love of God... wait on His mercy that leads to eternal life... have mercy... snatch others from the fire... hate evil! And GLORIFY GOD!

"Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. AMEN!" Jude 24.

By the time some of you receive this writing, the 4th of July will have passed. However, as Americans we can still strive for, pray for and exercise the freedoms that are ours and walk in wisdom and humility. As Believers we can "Know the Truth and the Truth will set us free", John 8:32. "Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, he will surely do it", 1 Thessalonians 5:23 & 24.

I am excited to watch God's plan unfold in all His Creation! It is and will be PERFECT! God bless you all!

Monday, May 31, 2021


Recently I had some questions come to mind regarding Psalm 91. The first verse particularly sought my attention. "He who dwells in the shelter (or secret place) of the Most High will abide in (or under) the shadow of the Almighty."

The two words I became interested in were "dwell" and "abide". One could think they had pretty much the same meaning. In doing some digging into the original language, I discovered they do, in fact, have somewhat different emphasis. Dwelling on the one hand has the meaning in the Hebrew, in which the Old Testament is written, that to dwell is a permanent state. Some of the words used in the definition are: sit down; remain; marry; endure; establish; habitation; make to keep; seat; set; tarry. Abiding, on the other hand, has a similar meaning yet connotes the possibility of a less permanent situation, if chosen. Words like: Stop overnight; to stay; lie all night; remain; tarry. Some words you do not see in the definition of dwelling are: be obstinate; make to murmur; grudge. 

Let me clarify my thinking a little more. When you "dwell" in the Lord, it means you come under the Lordship of  Christ as God designed and completely trust in his salvation. You receive all his promises and walk with joy in the Kingdom of God. You remain in his blessings. You worship. You praise. You bask in his presence. You are established by the Blood of Christ. You are saved! Your name is in the Lamb's Book of Life! Then comes "abiding". Are you choosing to stay  positioned under the shadow of the Almighty no matter what. Are you "setting your face like flint" as in Isaiah 50 to continue under his Lordship. You may be murmuring and complaining some, but by choice, you are remaining.

It is easy to dwell when everything is going smoothly and you are flying high or floating around on a cloud without a worry or a care. However, that is not where our Heavenly Father wants to leave us. We have to come down to earth; get off our cloud. We have to fully surrender to the discipline of the Lord to grow and mature as we await his return. Hebrews 12:3-12 tells us that we struggle against sin and need the discipline of a loving Father. He disciplines us because he loves us. We are disciplined through trials. James 1:12 gives a promise for those who endure: "Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him."

I am reminded of instances where teenagers who begin to receive stricter discipline and training will go beyond expressing mild complaints and choose to rebel and run away from the discomfort they are experiencing. They have left their dwelling place and chosen not to "abide" any longer under their parents authority. That type of decision only brings heartache and pain. It separates us from the promises so freely extended to us as children. We see this in the account of the prodigal son. But when he returns to dwell with his father, fully abiding, he is completely restored to wholeness and position. 

We need to "dwell", be positioned by the Cross, having believed in our heart and confessed with our mouth the Lord Jesus, and at the same time "abide" in him admitting that "...all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant..." (Hebrews 12:11) but the fruit of righteousness it produces is so worth it! So rather than running away or taking ourselves out from under the shadow of the Almighty, we can remain and receive the deliverance and the protection and authority and long life that is promised to us through abiding. You can read about it in Psalm 91.

So, if you are having a difficult time enduring the "abiding", you can "Therefore lift your drooping hands and strengthen your weak knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be put out of joint but rather be healed." (Hebrews 12:12) Don't become weary in the trials but know they are perfecting you and making you perfect and complete so you will lack nothing to keep you strong and victorious in this life until He appears and then we will be like Him and "dwell" with Him forevermore.

Throughout history, life has been difficult for God's People with them choosing at times to run away, and throughout history, when they would return to dwell and abide in the only Habitation that can protect, provide, bless, empower, produce fruit, bring joy, bring lasting peace, ensure eternal life with unbroken fellowship, they would be restored. As we choose to come into that Glorious Habitation of the Secret Place of the Most High, the Most High will give us the desire, strength and  ability to "Abide" and receive his great and precious promises and through them as 2 Peter1:3&4 tells us, we become partakers of the Divine Nature as He in turn dwells and abides in us by His Spirit. He has provided. What shall we choose?

God Bless you ALL richly!

Saturday, March 20, 2021


Speaking for Today, because tomorrow things may be different. Struggling most of the day just to accomplish the usual mundane tasks at hand, all the while meditating on the Lord and talking to him about life in general at this time in history. Words and terms like covid, masks, shutdowns, vaccines, school closures, the government, the economy, suicide, depression, hospitalizations, you name it, seem to swirl about in the very atmosphere. The whole world has changed in such a short time. I believe it effects our overall mood without our even being aware.

I must admit I have been waiting to be "inspired" to write amidst the ever changing tide. Today I determined it was time to just dive in. We need to hear from one another. We need to hear what the voice of the Holy Spirit is saying to those of us who are seeking Him. He reminded me for the umpteenth time... He never changes! His Truth is crucial for Life. He IS the Way, the Truth and the Life! Having that in the forefront, we are told in 1 Peter 3:15 to be ready to give an answer for the hope we have in us to anyone who asks. 

We do not need to wait for a special, Heaven sent "inspiration" to spread the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus Christ. We do not need to wait for someone to come up to us randomly and ask, "Where do you get hope in these days in which we are living?" We should be "shouting it from the rooftops" at any opportunity, any open door, any hint of need. Many, many are hurting and searching for some kind of light in the darkness. We have that light if we have Christ Jesus!

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16). That is the Truth that will lift one up out of the muck and mire of the things of this world. He not only lifts one out, he stands them up; he cleanses them from the filth; he turns their direction away from the hole into which they fell; he gives them hope and a future as we are told in Jeremiah 29:11. As long as there is something we can do on this earth, he will direct our paths if we acknowledge him in all our ways (Proverbs 3:6). And after that, eternal life.

Let's look at a couple of words from John 3:16. Believe: means to trust in, adhere to, rely on, be fully persuaded. In the case of Jesus, to place your complete spiritual and physical well being in His hands. Just believing He exists doesn't cut it. The demons believe that much. No, the hope that we share with others has eternal, life-filled substance. Solid, immoveable, irreversible as we place our trust in Him alone. The other word is: perish. This verse says if we "believe" as the above teaches, we will not "perish". We will not die the second death. We will not be deprived of eternal life. No one can take it away from us. It is "in the bank" as they say. 

Therefore, as the old song encourages: "Rescue the perishing..." Don't allow the things of this present world to stifle you. Don't allow them to sap you of your strength and energy. Wait upon the Lord and renew your strength daily. Rejoice in the Lord at all times. These are the mandates of Scripture. These should be lifted high above any mandate thrown at us by the world's system or even spiritual wickedness in high places as the case may be. Be different, be above it all so that you can be a light in the darkness, a beacon of hope. Take someone's hand and show them the way. Pray for discernment to hear the silent voices that are crying out. Seek the Lord for direction as to His leading. Speak, sing, write, pray, make meaningful eye contact, smile. "Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world." 1 John 4:4. 

Thank you for allowing me to share with you some words of truth that we all need to hear and take hold of. Be strong. If you are feeling weak or discouraged, pray. Call a friend. You may find out you are both experiencing the same struggles. Don't isolate. The enemy of our souls likes to get us alone either physically or in our thinking. "Confess your faults one to another and pray for one another that you may be healed..." James 5:16. I don't mind admitting that it is a fault or shortcoming when I allow the cares of this world to take up more time than they ought of my attention. Let's agree to once again and every day, "FIX OUR EYES ON JESUS THE AUTHOR AND PERFECTOR OF OUR FAITH".

God bless you all as we look forward to His Return!

Friday, January 8, 2021

Mind Set

 I was listening to an interview this morning as a news commentator was speaking with a doctor regarding the health of the people of our nation. His greatest concern was not the "virus" but the depression, fear and suicide that is running rampant. The statement he made that really struck me was something to this effect, "fear and anxiety reside in a portion of our psyche that is without God." Wow! Hmmm. That got me to thinking that we can have God in our lives, however, we may not be allowing his Lordship in every area. Philippians 4:6 says, "do not be anxious about anything..." Sometimes that is easier said than done. This is not the first time I have written on this subject, but today I have some added thoughts. That is because his Word is active and alive and new every day! 

To continue in the Philippians 4 chapter, we are instructed to pray with thanksgiving, as we are "not worrying" and the peace of God will guard our hearts and minds through Jesus. 

Easier said than done you agree? Well, after I listened to this doctor, it caused me to realize that we need to surrender to the Lordship of Jesus with our entire being. We may confess with our mouth that we believe he is Lord, but not allow him to infiltrate our minds with his Truth.

When we truly trust Him with every fiber of our being, giving our every thought, desire, need and concern to him, thanking him and praising him for who he is, his character, his being, his sovereignty, faith will grow within us. His Word will make it's home in us. "And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.", verse 7 of  Chapter 4, Philippians.

This is a process. We ladies at our church have a bible study, as some of you men do as well at your churches. We have a time that is called an "ice breaker". I used to lack appreciation for these pre-ambles because they weren't "spiritual" enough. (Sometimes you can be too spiritual for your own earthly good so to speak.) As I grew into the realization that we are all human and need those times of communication regarding our everyday lives, I also grew to appreciate them. During those times we might talk about the things that are important to us, things we enjoy, family stories, dreams, desires, etc. We are getting to know one another and getting to trust one another more and more because we see that we can relate on many points. We begin to understand one another more and begin to love one another as the Bible tells us. 

Trusting Jesus and inviting His presence into every facet of our lives, hearts, minds comes from getting to know him through his Word and his Holy Spirit... believing what he says. I am one that takes things at face value with other Believers. If they tell me something, perhaps expressing their affection or appreciation, I believe them. If they give me a gift, I believe it is from their heart and genuine. So, why not believe the one who embodies truth, power, might, strength, justice, righteousness, love, empathy, sympathy and more than that, the ONE who can meet your every need! The very ONE who created, yes, created, out of nothing, all you see. All of Creation are His! You are His! Bought with a Price... the Blood of Christ! (He proved His Love on the Cross at Calvary once and for all.)

He wants you to walk out of fear and anxiety. The guarding of your heart is as a military garrison around it, verse 7. By applying the many principles of his Word to your life through personal relationship with him, spending time with him through prayer, praise and worship, you are allowing that spiritual army of peace so to speak, to stand at it's post. 

Get to know him better and better this year. Let your two-way communication be the ice breaker you need to realize that he loves you more than his own life and cries out to be all that you need in these days so full of turmoil. Though the days be full of turmoil, our inner being needn't be.

Love the Lord your God. Love one another deeply. Pray for one another. Encourage one another. Know that God loves you and is not idle. Know that He has a Plan and will fulfill it. Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven! Blessings to you all! Be strong in the Power of His Might, Grace and Peace!