Why My Backyard Fence?

When I was a child, neighbors would visit with one another over their backyard fences. There would be a fence on either side and one in the back. These fences were not barriers to keep others out, but rather a means to define one's property. Sharing with a neighbor a smile or perhaps a story, or even a piece of pie was not uncommon. I love people and hope to bring joy and encouragement to my Friends and Neighbors over "MyBackyardFence." And, yes, I now live in the Oregon Outback. Beautiful place.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

The Little Pine Tree


 The following is a children's story. However, it has a message that touches all ages. This is the first of such I have written. I hope you enjoy and will feel free to share it with others as well as your children and grandchildren.  Romans 8:18-30 is a good reference for the content. (See note at bottom regarding comments.)                   

THE LITTLE PINE TREE                                                        

The Little Pine Tree asked the Creator, “Why are my needles so tender and green and my parents and grandparents so dry and brittle?” “Will mine stay green forever, I feel so fresh and new?” Creator told the little Pine Tree to enjoy his freshness while he can but someday he will become as the old ones. This made Little Pine Tree sad. He asked Creator, “Why do we become old with brown and brittle limbs?” “Why can’t we grow big and stay as fresh as I?” “I don’t like this getting old!” “I don’t like it at all!” “I don’t like it either,” said Creator. “And it was not the way I ever wanted it to be.” “However, my children, whom I created, that are in My image did what I told them not to do.” “What they did is called ‘sin’.” “They disobeyed me and instead did what they wanted to do. They thought it would make them happy.” “What you see in your parents and grandparents is called ‘death’. It happens because of what my children did.”

 The Little Pine Tree did not like this. He did not think it was fair that Creator’s children would make him become dry, brown and brittle and lose his tender, green needles. He became angry and felt sadder and sadder. Then Creator told the Little Pine Tree that he had done something that would fix everything. My son, Jesus would give his life for my children, the ones created in My image. He would actually die on something called a cross that would be made out of one like your parents and grandparents. Then, he would be buried in the ground where your kind have their roots. After three days, he would become alive again. That was Creator’s plan.

 When Jesus finished all that, it was made possible for my children, who are created in My image, to live forever with me. For you, Little Pine Tree, I have a brand-new place like this one, but everything is young. You and your kind will be able to keep their fresh, green, tender needles and grow tall the same way. It is a new earth. In fact, I am making a new earth and a new heaven. There will not be any sin there at all. Because of that there will be no death either. There won’t even be any of the sadness and anger you feel right now.

 The Little Pine Tree could hardly speak. He felt so good by the words Creator spoke. He said, “Why would you do that?” Creator told him that in the beginning when he did his creating, he had said that everything was good, and he meant it. He liked what he had created. Most of all he loved his children, who were created in His image, and did not want them to keep on dying. He wanted them to be with him forever.  The Little Pine Tree said, “Why did you make me?” Creator told him he was created to bring good things to his children, who were created in His image . Creator told Little Pine Tree that he and his kind were very important. They were beautiful to look at and some were quite magnificent. Little Pine Tree wasn’t sure what that big word meant. Creator said, “Some of your kind are made into places for my children, who were created in My image, to worship me and into places for them to live. You have a very important purpose.”

 Creator told Little Pine Tree, “I have put a feeling into you that makes you want to be free from sin and death and as soon as I send Jesus back to the earth for the last time to get my children, who were created in My image, your kind will not have to get old, dry and brittle anymore.” “So, perk up Little Pine. Lift your branches toward the sky. Even your breath praises me. ‘The trees of the field shall clap their hands’. My Book, the Bible talks a lot about trees and how strong and important they are.”

 The Little Pine Tree felt a bit overwhelmed by all this, but, after all, he did ask. After he and Creator talked, he was much happier and decided to enjoy his tender, fresh, young, branches and stretched them as far as he could toward the sky and dreamed about a place where he might live forever young.

 The End

Note: I have had several readers say they are unable to post comments. This might help: At the bottom of my posts, you can select "comments" or "no comments". You should see an option to the side of that as to how to comment. You may see "google account" first. If you select the down arrow and go to anonymous, you can use that option to comment. Feel free to add your name with the comment. 



  1. Very nice.. And yes for little ones also. Will share. This is Alaska Pam

  2. Thanks, Pam! I am glad my comments are working again! Will be posting again soon.
