After spending quite a bit of time before the Throne in Worship and Intercession, I received this from the Lord. I have been struggling with what to post here for a couple of months. I believe this is the post He designed for this day:
There’s a deep rumbling about to arise from the very depth of
the Nations. A deep rumbling as of an earthquake from the deepest of the deep.
It is a cry from those who have come before, of voices once thought dead. They
are not dead. They cry forth from eternity past. Crying out for freedom. Voices
that have known and walked in the truth and thought that in vain they spoke words
that were passed through the generations. Voices silenced through physical
death. These voices spoke truth… the truth of the ages. Some were ignored, some
were heeded. These voices can never be silenced because the truth they speak is
the Truth of the Living, Breathing, on fire Word of the Living God. His voice
blows through like a mighty wind that destroys everything in its path that is
not held down by the anchor of Truth. All that is not of truth shall be blown
away and destroyed. These voices knew this and cried out and still cry out from
the grave. Hear! Hear! Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church… the Church
of the living God. The Church of the Living God holds the answers to Life and
Eternity. There is a huge gulf forming between good and evil, light and dark,
truth and fiction, power and weakness. Be strong in the Lord and the Power of
His might. The tug of war will be won on the side of right. Be founded and
grounded on that side lest you be pulled into the gulf and be swallowed up by
the abyss. Wait on the Lord, listen to His voice. Let it ring loudly as the
shofar, the trumpet of God that will soon sound. This is real… not a story
passed through generations or folklore. This is real…. Life as we know it is
about to end. The Heavens are about to open and all Glory to descend. The liars
will flee in 7 directions as the mountains fall into the heart of the sea. This
entire earth will see the Glory of the Lord and fall on their faces either in
worship or in shame. What the rumblings have been saying for ages eternal are
going to be shown to be true. Those who have heeded the call will be shown to
be right. There will be no middle ground. Eternity is on the Horizon as the
Bride joins her Groom. Those in agony will cry out with a sincere cry, not just
lip service. Their very hearts will feel as if they would explode within them,
but the keeper of the hearts will hold them together. There will be no human
words to describe the magnitude of the event. Yes the Lord will soon descend
from Heaven with that shout! That voice of the archangel! With that loud
trumpet blast! The sound of Praise will deafen the ears of the enemy as he
crouches defeated before the King of all Ages! Freedom will ring! Banners will
wave! The Throne of the Universe will be revealed and the mouths of the liars
will be shut! The End!