Hello Friends! I am excited about coming to you today to bring the word the Lord has inspired me with. I have, as I am sure you have, been seeking Him diligently for His wisdom for these days in which we live. We are told in Corinthians that we have the mind of Christ as we walk in the Spirit. I want to share His thoughts. In saying that, several scriptures have come to mind for this particular post.
I began to think of King Jehoshaphat who has long been an inspiration to me. When he was told, as we read in Chapter 20 of 2 Chronicles, that a great multitude was coming against him, his first reaction was very "human". He was afraid. Then the spiritual part of him took over. He set his face to seek the Lord! He knew where his help would come from. I won't go through the whole story at this time. However, there are some things we can glean from it for our present circumstances. When he moved in humility and obedience to the Lord's directions and began to praise and thank him in advance, he watched the victory take place. This vast multitude; these many armies; this foreboding enemy was totally made fools of and humiliated. They were completely annihilated. They basically began fighting against themselves and ended up destroying one another. You see the Lord told Jehoshaphat that the battle was actually HIS. He said to watch and "see the salvation of the Lord".
Now I am not saying we should never stand up and do something or that we just sit idly by and watch the enemy of God's people get away with his evil schemes. What I AM saying is to keep our eyes on our Lord and Master and realize that the big battle has already been won! When Christ died on the Cross, Colossians 2:15 informs us that He, Christ, made a public spectacle of the principalities and powers of darkness; put the demonic forces and satanic powers to open shame. He stripped them of their power to hold his creation captive to sin and evil!! Wow! There is spiritual wickedness in high places. There are schemes and plans in process against the people of God and to keep the people of this earth from receiving the truth. What we have to remember is that satan is the father of lies and Jesus is the Way the TRUTH and the Light. There is NOTHING the enemy can do to destroy God's People, the Church of the Living God, the Body of Christ. If you are outside that realm, you are subject to defeat and spiritual death. Come to Jesus! Come to the Rock! Come to the only Way to Life! Come to the Cross!
Now back to God's People. "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God's people; once you had not received mercy but now you have received mercy." That is 1 Peter 2:9&10. We have a job to do... to proclaim Christ and Him Crucified and Risen! Psalm 125:3 is so critical to our day. "For the scepter (authority/rule) of wickedness shall not rest (remain) on the land allotted to the righteous, lest the righteous stretch out their hands to do wrong." God forbid after we have received the precious blood of Christ we are pressured into doing wrong by wickedness. Thank God for the promise of his deliverance. We can initially be afraid if that is our first reaction but then, we have to call on the one who is the destroyer of our enemies and in fact has already won the Battle.
I believe our great country falls into the category of "the land allotted to the righteous" as it was founded on Godly principles and much blood has been shed throughout history to continue to "secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity" In this day of deception in our World... let us cry out to God to give us strength and boldness to "...let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." Matthew 5:16. I cannot tell you what to do but we can follow the lead of King Jehoshaphat and fast and pray and admit we do not know what to do but fix our eyes on the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and watch the enemy be confounded once again. Take counsel from God the Father, Jesus the Son and God the Holy Spirit! Let those who have an ear hear what the Spirit is saying to the CHURCH in this hour.